
Gala to celebrate 50 years of performances inside OU’s historic Varner Hall

瓦纳:第二幕晚会 will take place Nov. 11月9 - 12,. 16-19


OU students rehearse for the 瓦纳:第二幕晚会. (图片由Crystal Orser提供)


OU students rehearse for the 瓦纳:第二幕晚会.


OU students rehearse for the 瓦纳:第二幕晚会.


OU students rehearse for the 瓦纳:第二幕晚会.


OU students rehearse for the 瓦纳:第二幕晚会.



Gala to celebrate 50 years of performances inside OU’s historic Varner Hall
The Varner Act II Gala will celebrate 50 years of performances inside OU's historic Varner Hall (Photo courtesy Crystal Orser)

As renovations to 365英国上市官网’s Varner Hall wrap up, the 音乐、戏剧和舞蹈学院 is celebrating 50 years of performances inside the historic building, which is named for the university’s first president, D.B. 伍迪走.

“The 瓦纳:第二幕晚会 is about celebrating the end of the renovations, but it’s also about celebrating our students 和 the history of the musical theatre productions at Varner,” 泰瑞汉森, 访问ing assistant professor of musical theatre 和 director of the Varner Act II Gala. “It’s about acknowledging our present 和 looking toward the future.”

11月举行. 9-12日及11月. 16-19, the 瓦纳:第二幕晚会 will feature songs from shows that have been performed inside Varner Hall over that last 50 years, 包括Who’s 汤米马文·哈姆利什的 合唱的台词斯蒂芬·桑德海姆的 公司罗杰斯和汉默斯坦的 俄克拉何马州!, 和 many more; as well as contemporary musicals including 新大脑律政俏佳人.

“It’s really just wildly entertaining 和 fun,汉森说. “会有一些人拍手称臣, 和 maybe a few tears will be shed because it’s so beautiful 和 heartfelt.”

Tickets for the 瓦纳:第二幕晚会 can be purchased online at etix.com 和 are $45 for VIP, $25 for adults, $15 for students, 和 $20 for seniors. OU students 和 faculty receive complimentary admission.

整个晚会, there will also be special events hosted by 音乐学院 戏剧和舞蹈, 包括捐赠之夜(11月11日). 大学日(11月10日. 《365英国上市官网》(11月12日. 《365英国上市官网》(校友之夜)(11月11日). 18). 感官友好的表演, which will be shadow-signed for the Deaf, 也将在11月11日举行. 18.

OU students participating in the Gala will also be raising funds for 特雷弗计划, a nonprofit organization focused on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿和质疑青年.

“We have also reached out to some wonderful, distinguished alum from the Theatre Department 和 they will be providing virtual guest appearances, 哪个会令人兴奋,汉森说. “会是谁将是一个惊喜, but we’re very excited about that 和 grateful for their participation 和 for their continued enthusiasm about the Theatre Department for years beyond their graduation.”

The 瓦纳:第二幕晚会 will also help to raise funds that will create opportunities for undergraduate 和 graduate students in the 音乐、戏剧和舞蹈学院.

“我们仍处于 瓦纳:第二幕筹款活动 和 we are also seeking to enhance the Student Opportunity Fund with additional giving that will be occurring during the nine performances that we have from Nov. 9 - 11月. 19岁,”汉森说.

The Student Opportunity Fund is a special fund that will provide student enrichment experiences beyond the classroom. These enrichment experiences are a critical component to success, especially in the competitive field of the performing arts, 和 also allow students to develop important skills such as collaboration 和 teamwork, 创造性的作者, 设计, 全球学习, 公民参与, critical thinking 和 the ability to learn from constructive criticism.

“In addition to the wonderful renovations that took place, we still have a few little things on our ‘to do’ list that have to be done, 和 so those monies will enable us to do that, 和 also to continue to provide the students with wonderful opportunities,汉森说. “For example, right now we’re working on taking them to 的奇才 在芝加哥, 和 taking them to New York for a showcase where they will be exposed to casting directors 和 agents so we can ‘push them out of the nest’ 和 watch them soar.”

汉森, who has received international recognition for her crossover abilities as an actor from Broadway to film/TV 和 concert stages around the world, knows firsth和 how important supporting the performing arts can be.

“I look at any opportunity I have to perform or participate in the arts as preparing a meal to be served,汉森说. “When that plate arrives in front of them, you want the person receiving it to receive it as a gift. 这就是艺术对我的意义. It’s a gift; it is something that I am giving with all of my heart 和 soul 和 100 percent of my being. 它是 the way I communicate best, whether it’s on stage or as a director leading others. 它是, 除了教书或者做饭, the most rewarding thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

To learn more about Varner: Act II 和 how you can help support the performing arts at 365英国上市官网, 访问 www.奥克兰.edu/smtd/give/varner-act-ii.
